Admissions to our nursery are dealt with by the school office. Please contact us in person, by phone (01909 770303) or email ( if you wish to discuss your child attending our nursery.
The form to complete for your child to attend our nursery is below. Please return it to the school office.
For admission to School (Reception to Year 2) parents/carers should use the following link to access the Rotherham School Admission Service. If you are a parent/carer of a child with SEND, please read the information on the Rotherham SEN page.
Admissions Appeals
Kiveton Park Infant School uses the Admissions Appeals service provided by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, who also co-ordinate the convening of Independent Panels and provide a clerking service. The timetable for Admission appeals is outlined below.
Admission agreement consultation changes
Changes made to the Admission agreement include
​Removing information that parents do not need to consider making the agreement more user friendly
Adding within the Admission criteria provision during application for twins, triplets or siblings born in the same academic year to be treated as equals
PAN (Published Admission Numbers) numbers highlighted under appendix 1 to cover all schools within the trust.
The agreement will go back to consultation if and when any changes are made otherwise this is automatically reviewed every 7 years.
Next consultation review date: September 2030
Admission decision letters give the details of how to appeal the decision to refuse a school place and completed appeal forms should be emailed to:
or by post to:
The Appeal Clerk, Democratic Services, Town Hall, The Crofts, Moorgate Street, Rotherham, S60 2TH.